Tuesday, November 26, 2013


When I look at Thanksgiving coming up, I am reminded that we created a holiday so that we as a people can give thanks to God for our blessings. I know that in our history, we as a country have made many mistakes but I also know that good can come from making mistakes. One of the best things about living in this country is that I am free to make mistakes and to learn from them. Thanksgiving happened because a group of religious people (pilgrims) were wanting to celebrate the harvest and were thankful for food to survive. The Native Americans were included in that celebrations because they helped teach these people how to survive with what they were given. I say all this to say that sometimes we need to shift our perspective and be thankful for what is given to us by God and not let other things clutter our mind.

Recently in a group that I meet with every week, one of the men brought an email that he received from a soldier friend in Afghanistan. The discussion that we had been having was about the Grace of our Father and what it meant to us and how we used it. The soldier was writing that to her, Grace was being given clean water to shower with and not having an IED explode near her camp. She was so thankful for these things, it made me stop and think. What am I truly thankful for?

·        I am thankful that my Father sent His only Son to earth to take and be punished for the sin in my life.

·        I am thankful that He was willing to die on a cross for those sins and then rose three days later and is ALIVE.

·        I am thankful that almost 18 years ago, my best friend said yes when I got down on my knee to ask her to marry me.

·        I am thankful that almost 12 years ago, my son was born. Every day he teaches me a little more about the sacrifice that my Father in Heaven made when sending His Son to die for me. Fatherhood changes your perspective on that act of Grace.

·        I am thankful that almost 9 years ago, my daughter was born. Every snuggle and tickle with her teaches me more about unconditional love that any book or sermon ever could.

·        I am thankful for my mother. The example of faith in action could not be stronger and I hope I can pass it on to my children.

·        I am thankful for family. I know that this one is said at every Thanksgiving celebration but the reason I am thankful for family is that they teach me about unconditional support no matter what the situation is.

·        I am thankful for a brotherhood of believers that I am a part of. Men, if you are not a part of a group of men who celebrate together, hurt together and pray together, start one now.

·        I am thankful for the abilities that I have been given which allow me to work and serve my Father so that when I am done, He will say: “Well done my good and faithful servant!!”

·        Lastly, I am thankful for my country. That Shining City on a Hill shows the world what the freedom to pursue your greatest dreams really is. It is because of the sacrifice of so many that I am able to pursue my dreams. While the men and women who make up this country are not perfect, the principles of having been created by God to pursue your God-given greatest dreams are perfect.

Now my challenge to you is to write out your list of 10. What are you really thankful for? Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A lesson in Courage

Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to go through a situation and do your best despite the fear. Last night I was helping coach my son’s 6th grade football team. Before the game started I looked around and saw one player who has a hurt shoulder but was dressed and ready to play and another player who has a high ankle sprain but was dressed and ready to play. These may not seem like huge injuries and would not keep a high school or college player from playing but to an 11 year old boy, these things can instill fear of getting hurt worse. However, this is what being a part of a team looks like and teammates recognize the pain but willingness to continue. During the game, I watched these two young men give everything they had to help their team be successful. I also watched as several other young men got hurt during the game giving everything they had for others. One of the boys was knocked out and as he got up and went with his parents to the hospital, I looked into the eyes of his friends and teammates and saw fear but I also saw courage and a desire to give even more for the team. After the game as I was talking to my son who had the hurt ankle, I realized that not only was this a lesson for the boys on the team but also Father was speaking to me and using the verse from the Gospel of John:

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13.

Now I know that these 11 year old boys weren’t laying down their life like members of the military do for example but for them, getting hurt or watching a hurt player giving his all should teach them a GREAT lesson. A willingness to put others ahead of self is a lesson that MANY adults have not learned but a group of 11 year old boys learned it on a football field last night and I could not be more proud to be associated with that group of young men. Thank you for teaching me about courage and selflessness last night. God Bless You All!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I will NEVER Forget

It was a sunny Tuesday morning in early September and I was sitting at my desk getting some work done. I received a call from my mother telling me to turn on the television that something bad was happening in New York City. I believe it was two days later before I could take my eyes off of the TV and come out of the fog of tears that had enveloped me. It was at that point that I first noticed the darkness growing in our world (I was not alive for Hitler’s reign of terror) and saw the way to fight the darkness was by shining a light of Father’s love and selflessly caring for others. If you will remember, September 10, 2001, the big concern was what happened to Chandra Levy and what is your football team going to do in the next game. On September 11, 2001, we found out what a true hero looks like when hundreds of people sacrificed themselves in order to help others. Isn’t that the true light of Christ’s Love? On this day as I look back and think of those who were lost, I challenge you to search for a way to sacrifice a part of yourself in order to help someone else who is dealing with the struggles of life. It does not have to be a big gesture, just do something for someone else without looking for anything else in return. Hopefully we can return to the nation as it was on September 12, 2001 where people hugged their families AND neighbors, where people prayed together no matter what their denomination, where an entire congress sang “God Bless America” on the steps of the capitol no matter what their political beliefs were, where compassion and empathy for others grew. How does that happen? I don’t have all of the answers but believe that it starts by people looking for ways they are the same instead of different and being willing to give of themselves instead of think of themselves. That is what our heroes of 9/11 did when they went INTO the towers. It did not matter what someone looked like, what religion they were or what political party they voted for the last time, the heroes were there for them. It also did not matter that they wanted to be somewhere else doing something else, they were there to serve others. Finally as I continue to remember those who were lost on that day, I want to encourage you to go back and read 2 Chronicles 7 not just the 14th verse which is the one many people know but read the entire chapter. My prayer for our nation today 9/11/13 is that we turn towards Father and away from the things that are keeping us from relationship with Him. My constant reminder is my desktop on my computer which has the picture of the father of our country on his knees in prayer.

God Bless America!!!
Will You Forget?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Parent of Friend?

As I watched the performance of Miley Cyrus this morning from last night’s VMA I, like many of you, cringed and had a hard time keeping my breakfast down. As the father of two children who has Hannah Montanna albums on his ITunes account that I sing along with my daughter, I was horrified at how much she has changed. She went from a wholesome (seemingly) down-home young lady to what can only be described as “tramp-like” in a relatively short period of time. During that time, I have switched from encouraging my 8 year old daughter to emulate her to not wanting my daughter to see her at all. What happened? How do I make sure it does not happen to my daughter? Is there a secret “parenting tip” that can help?

First things first, pray for Miley and her family. She has obviously lost her way and is searching for something to steady her life. It appears to me that she is wandering around in secular darkness and someone needs to pierce that darkness and show her the love of the Father. I also encourage you to pray for her father as I cannot imagine what watching something like that would do to me as a father. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and deserve to be loved and encouraged in that family.

Second, as a parent, love your children as parents not friends. I was watching an Andy Stanley series on the family and he spoke about being friends with your children when they are grown but only if you were a parent as they were growing up. I read an interview that Billy Ray Cyrus gave about wanting to be Miley’s friend for years and how he believes that is what will cause her to go down the wrong path. The interview was given two years ago and I believe it was prophetic. I also watch as parents get on TV after their child is charged with a heinous crime and say “that could not be my son (or daughter) doing that…” or “my child is an angel and would never do such a thing.” I heard both of those statements from parents of the boys who shot the Australian baseball player in Oklahoma last week. I do not want to blame the parents for every evil that their children do, but I would encourage parents to spend time not entertaining their children but getting to know their children and setting boundaries and discipline. This does not mean that in order to be a good parent you need to be a hard ass. It means that children are looking for boundaries in order to feel safe and if you do not set them, no one will.

I am by no means the expert but, to boil it all down, no one is perfect and children who are raised in a loving Christ-Centered home can still do the wrong thing. But, if there are more loving Christ-Centered homes, there are more chances for loving Christ-Centered children. Love your children by teaching them how to behave and setting boundaries for mistakes that they make but also supporting them as a parent. Your children will grow up to have many friends but only 2 parents.

I choose to be a PARENT

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How strong is your faith?

I was spending time thinking and praying for the people who are being persecuted for their faith is Egypt. Currently, 60-80 churches and Christian organizations have been burned to the ground in Egypt. I heard a story about a 10 year old girl who was walking home from Bible study with her Christian teacher. In the middle of the street, someone walked up to her and shot her in the chest because she had a Bible. She was rushed to the hospital by her teacher and was pronounced DEAD at the hospital. Father asked me the question above and sadly, my answer was: Not as strong as the 10 year old girl walking down the street of Cairo with a Bible. As I looked back at persecutions from the past, Nazi Germany comes to mind here. In order for Hitler to kill 11 million people, he had to make others afraid to say anything. He did this through Brute shows of force that made people scared to stand up. Right now, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is doing the exact same thing by showing force and trying to intimidate Christians into living under Sharia Law. If your church was burned to the ground and you witnessed a 10 year old girl being shot for her faith, what would you do about it? Are you willing to stand up for your faith or is faith something that you practice in order to check some box on a form? I am asking myself these questions along with others so that we can decide what we believe in and can have the courage to stand in the face of darkness if that day were to come.

So, how strong is your faith?

Monday, August 12, 2013

"All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

How do you kill 11 Million People? Title of a book I read recently by Andy Andrews who lives down here in Orange Beech. Obviously, by the title, you can tell that the book deals with the Holocaust and how Hitler killed 11 Million people. In the book he takes the angle concerning the lies that Hitler told to get the people on the trains. As I was reading it however, Father wanted me to see it from the perspective of how other people in the area allowed it to happen. One day your neighbor is at his house and seemingly ok and the next day, they are gone forever. Why did people not speak up as the darkness of the third reicht spread throughout that part of the world? I know there were a few as I have been studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was martyred for standing for his beliefs. But Father had a different message for me to look at and it involved 1 letter and 2 biblical people.

The letter that Father took me to was Paul’s letter to Galatia. Specifically, Galatians 5:19-21 which says:

"It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on. This isn’t the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God’s kingdom."

Now, let’s compare our current culture to the one that Paul was talking about in Galatia.

 Where are we as a culture as compared to the Galatian culture? Have we become so arrogant that we believe we can do things without Father’s help? I would refer you to the book "The Harbinger" in which the author makes the point that the rebuilding of the tower at Ground zero is a perfect example of the arrogance of our culture. Are we as a people “fat and sassy” and unconcerned for the people in our communities. Where does our culture stand on things like homosexuality and abortion? Take that a step further, where do we as Christians STAND when it comes to those two issues. I am curious if any of your pastors have stood up in the pulpit and talked about the abortion fight that happened in Texas recently where the argument was whether or not to ban abortions after 20 weeks and people were actually chanting “Hail Satan” at the crowd that was in agreement with the bill. Or has your pastor spoken about Kermit Gosnell who  was killing aborted babies that were "mistakenly" born alive? I wonder what the people who lived in Sodom would say when looking at our culture? Do you think they would try to warn us that they had traveled the road we are on and it does not end well? Do you think they would be mad that Father destroyed them for lesser things than what we are doing today?  My point is that our culture is growing darker and more evil each and every day and I want to change the culture not just my neighborhood. That leads me to another question. What has Father asked me to do to change the culture and am I willing to do it? Here is where the two Biblical men come in.

The first man I was shown by Father to look at is Jonah. I know you all have heard about him and the whale and while that part of the story is incredible, Father wanted me to focus on his response to God when given a task. Approximately 750-800 years before Christ, Jonah lived in Gath-hepher a town near Nazareth. Ninevah at the time was considered an “exceedingly great city” that was a four day journey across. Father looked at the city of Ninevah and saw people who could not tell right from wrong (sound familiar??). He decided to send someone who could preach to the people of Ninevah and share who He was and tell them to repent and turn back to God. Father chose Jonah (we do not know if he was the first or the last choice) to go to Ninevah and preach against them getting them to turn back to Father. Jonah’s response to the call was where Father took me. What did Jonah do??? Correct, he ran in the opposite direction. Some of us are called to do things that seem extremely hard and we run the other way. We do not always end up in the belly of a whale but we run expecting Father to find someone else to do it. What Jonah was being asked to do was VERY HARD but Father had him picked out specifically and was willing to equip him for the task.

The second man that Father showed me is Abraham. When Father asked him to sacrifice his only son that he had waited so long to have, did he run the other way? No, he picked up the firewood and started on his journey without question. I look at this and am constantly amazed at his willingness to follow Father no matter what. My natural reaction would be to run the other way and end up in the belly of the whale.

So, why have I brought all of this up? I have been struggling with Father as to what all of this means for me for the past couple of months. I see a darkness continuing to build in my community, state and country. I am not a glass half empty kind of guy as I believe that Father is in complete control and as I heard someone say recently, “The shadow proves the sun.” I do however believe that there are things that we need to do to shine light into the darkness. A few years ago when I was out of work, Father asked me to be a mirror and reflect his love to others. He has now changed that from a mirror to the moon. I know that like me, you probably wonder why use the moon as the example and Father was very specific with me here. Martin Luther King is quoted as saying:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

The darkness of our culture is growing at a rapid pace and something needs to pierce that darkness. Why not a lighthouse I wondered. The lighthouse pierces the darkness and warns boats of danger along with providing guidance for lost boats. Father continued on the moon because it shines into the darkness of the night but it is NOT the source of the light that it provides, it merely reflects the light of the sun. Scientists measure the amount of reflection in a percentage called Albedo and the moon has an Albedo of between 9 and 14%. In other words, that big rock in the sky reflects 9-14% of the light that hits it and pierces the darkness here on earth. The ratio of brightness of the sun versus the moon amounts to a difference of 398,110 to 1. Father has asked me to be like the moon and reflect His light into the darkness of the world and work to increase my Albedo. That is why I like the MLK quote so much. He speaks about the only solution to the problem is the Love of the Father.

So, what do I do with the information that Father shared about the moon? I am working to form a community of people who are being called to stand and are STANDING for what they believe in. Their stance is spreading the love or light of Father through their corner of the world which when in community, pierces more holes in the darkness. I am working with social media to put together information on people who are shining light into the darkness of the world and by bringing information together on these people, we can support others who are reflecting and get ideas on how to reflect His love in our areas. I am also working to put together speaking opportunities to help increase the Albedo of myself and others. How can you help? You can like the Facebook page called Rays of the Moon and post information on what you are doing to reflect His love in your community. It is time to stand up as Christians for what we know and to do so with Father’s Love. It is time to as Nehemiah said get back on that wall and do a good work. What is yours?