Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I will NEVER Forget

It was a sunny Tuesday morning in early September and I was sitting at my desk getting some work done. I received a call from my mother telling me to turn on the television that something bad was happening in New York City. I believe it was two days later before I could take my eyes off of the TV and come out of the fog of tears that had enveloped me. It was at that point that I first noticed the darkness growing in our world (I was not alive for Hitler’s reign of terror) and saw the way to fight the darkness was by shining a light of Father’s love and selflessly caring for others. If you will remember, September 10, 2001, the big concern was what happened to Chandra Levy and what is your football team going to do in the next game. On September 11, 2001, we found out what a true hero looks like when hundreds of people sacrificed themselves in order to help others. Isn’t that the true light of Christ’s Love? On this day as I look back and think of those who were lost, I challenge you to search for a way to sacrifice a part of yourself in order to help someone else who is dealing with the struggles of life. It does not have to be a big gesture, just do something for someone else without looking for anything else in return. Hopefully we can return to the nation as it was on September 12, 2001 where people hugged their families AND neighbors, where people prayed together no matter what their denomination, where an entire congress sang “God Bless America” on the steps of the capitol no matter what their political beliefs were, where compassion and empathy for others grew. How does that happen? I don’t have all of the answers but believe that it starts by people looking for ways they are the same instead of different and being willing to give of themselves instead of think of themselves. That is what our heroes of 9/11 did when they went INTO the towers. It did not matter what someone looked like, what religion they were or what political party they voted for the last time, the heroes were there for them. It also did not matter that they wanted to be somewhere else doing something else, they were there to serve others. Finally as I continue to remember those who were lost on that day, I want to encourage you to go back and read 2 Chronicles 7 not just the 14th verse which is the one many people know but read the entire chapter. My prayer for our nation today 9/11/13 is that we turn towards Father and away from the things that are keeping us from relationship with Him. My constant reminder is my desktop on my computer which has the picture of the father of our country on his knees in prayer.

God Bless America!!!
Will You Forget?