Thursday, August 20, 2015

Light in the Darkness

I am pasting a story that is running down here concerning the Auburn Football program (I know some Alabama fans probably wont read it…) and it’s chaplain Chette Williams. The article talks about the freedom from religion foundation trying to end ALL chaplaincy programs in universities across the country. I have met brother Chette and he is a Wonderful Person and mentor for hundreds of young men who come through the football program. He was Tommy Tuberville’s (Auburns coach a few years ago) first and “most important” hire. Please pray for him and chaplains at universities across the country. The devil has apparently found some cracks in the foundation and is trying to bring darkness across this country and this is only one example among several of us turning our backs as a country on our Father.

I went back and read my copy of The Constitution and the phrase separation of church and state does not appear. In fact, it states that the government cannot interfere with the free exercise of religion… In fact that phrase actually comes from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association letting them know that the government would not interfere with the exercise of their beliefs.

Sorry for the brief historical interlude…

I believe that as men and women of faith, we must stand for what we believe in and be that mirror that reflects the light of our Father in Heaven.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Here is the article:
FFRF: Auburn employs chaplain who baptizes players, has office in stadium

August 19, 2015
The Freedom From Religion Foundation's just-released national report, "Pray to Play," documenting unconstitutional Christian chaplaincies embedded in public university football programs, includes the Auburn University in its list of offending universities. FFRF, a national state/church watchdog, has written to university President Jay Gogue asking him to abolish the chaplaincy and adopt the model policy in FFRF's report.

Much of FFRF's report is built on public records it requested from universities. FFRF sent Auburn an open records request in September 2014, and sent a $500 deposit for the records that December. The university has refused to provide any records and ceased all contact with FFRF since April 10, 2015. FFRF is now considering an open records lawsuit against the university and has consulted with Alabama attorneys.

Although the university has refused to provide records, FFRF's independent research shows that Chette Williams, Auburn's football chaplain, is very much treated as a part of the team. Williams has an office in the stadium, typically wears AU branded clothing, organizes religious revivals for the team, is regularly referred to by official or official-sounding names, leads the team in prayer, baptizes players, randomly attends other team practices and meetings, travels with the team, and much more—even though technically the university does not employ him. This public university grants him special privileges and unrestricted access because he is a Christian clergyman, FFRF charges.

If there is any doubt about Williams' official standing with the team, the Auburn football website makes it clear.

Former head coach Tommy Tuberville appointed Williams in 1999, one of his "first moves" as head coach, claiming the team experienced a "tremendous spiritual revival ... moved on the Auburn team since his arrival. ... players are getting baptized, carrying around Bibles and wearing wooden cross necklaces."

About 10 years ago Williams claimed that he had baptized 20 players during his first six years as chaplain. Williams continues to dunk Auburn players, including Sammie Coates and Trovon Reed in 2013 and Jeff Whitaker in 2012. Today, the number of Auburn football players baptized by Williams could easily exceed 50.

Tuberville also brought his Ole Miss chaplain, Wes Yeary, to Auburn in 2007. With Tuberville's help and financial support, Williams and Yeary set up a training camp for team chaplains and an internship program hosted by Auburn.

"No student athlete should be baptized as part of a public university sports program, or be put in the position of feeling they have to pray to play," said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.